Senarai Azam Tahun Baru 2023 Malaysia in English and Mandarin

Azam Tahun Baru

Azam Tahun Baru 2023 | Azam Paling Popular | Azam Tahun in English | Azam Tahun in Mandarin |

Azam Tahun 2023 Paling Popular

Di bawah kami senaraikan 10 azam tahun baru yang paling popular di kalangan rakyat negara kita yang biasa anda dengar:

  1. Lebih banyak bersyukur
  2. Bersedekah lebih banyak dan lebih kerap
  3. Meluangkan masa lebih bersama ahli keluarga
  4. Menurunkan berat badan
  5. Menamatkan zaman bujang
  6. Beli rumah
  7. Beli kereta atau motor baru
  8. Misi menyimpan duit
  9. Belajar skil baru atau ilmu baru
  10. Banyakkan membaca buku-buku yang memberi manfaat

Azam Tahun Baru in English 2023

  • Hope the New Year starts off bright, and continues to shine throughout the year. Wishes for you of peace and contentment that do not cease. Happy New Year To You!
  • Happiness is my wish for you this year. Success to you in every accomplishment you achieve in this coming year. Happy New Year!
  • With each year, changes will come. Wishes of positive changes for you and that life be good, and, each day will bring a smile to your face and all nice things.
  • May your faith in God grow stronger this year; the peace of God surround you, and  you be blessed each day!
  • A new year to dream big dreams, to set big goals and achieve all that you are wishing for. Happy New Year!
  • This new year’s wish comes with an appreciation for all you do, for your thoughtfulness and unselfish ways, for your smile that you give us every day.
  • The New Year brings opportunities, discover many this coming year.
  • Time goes by so quickly let the coming year be one that you find balance, a sense of peace, and contentment.

Kata Kata Tahun Baru in Mandarin 2023

  • 大吉大利 — Lots of luck and profits!
  • 万事如意 — May all go well with you!
  • 步步高升 — Step-by-step high promotion (Promoting to a higher position)

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